
Pegasus And The Flame

Pegasus And The Flame is a great book. When pegasus crashes onto her roof, 13 year old Emily’s life becomes a legend; epic battles, desperate chases, captivating flights astride the beautiful winged-stallion and one heroic quest to save olympus before its flame extinguishes … for ever.

Winner # 4

Sorry for the delay in choosing a winner this week, I took a couple days off 🙂 The winner for the period of Monday July 20 until Sunday July 26 is TheFatCat. Any posts since Sunday will be included in the draw next Monday. Congratulations!


Masterminds is an amazing book. It is full of unexpected twists and revelations. It is about a perfect town called Serenity,New Mexico. Everything there is perfect, every lawn is perfectly manicured and every house has its own tree house and pool. Only thirty kids live there and they never lie and they have never left […]

The Ranger’s Apprentice-Ruins of Gorlan

The Ranger’s  Apprentice-Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan is a novel to be enjoyed by 10 year olds and up. It’s an adventure novel about a boy named Will who is taken as an apprentice for the ranger Halt. I really enjoyed the plot and the uniqueness of the characters/monsters. I rate this 4/5 stars

Space case

Space Case is about a kid who is 12 and lives at a place on the moon. The name is moon base alpha and this man died by accident supposedly but the kid thinks it is murder! Right now I am listening to the book on disk but there is the book also. I like […]

The red pyramid

The Red Pyramid is the first book of the Kane Chronicles and there are 3 book in the series. I am on chapter 3 and so far it is full of emotions like excitement, madness and sadness. my emotions are going wild and crazy like the Percy Jackson series!